Black Friday + Cyber Monday Sales

Happy Thanksgiving babes! Here is a list of the best deals happening this weekend for Black Friday + Cyber Monday. I also included some of my top picks from a…

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Friday Faves: Fall Edition

"Grateful for the small things, big things and everything in between." omggg hi - I haven't written a blog post in a long time because quiet frankly my life has…

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From Her, To You: Mary Sommerfelt

"Nothing is better than being able to tell someone “it’s vintage,” when they ask where you got something. " HI BABES! I'm so excited for my very first "From Her,…

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Friday Faves

"you kinda owe it to yourself to do all the things you've dreamed." Hello babes! We have made it to the weekend!  I've actually been on PTO since Wednesday since I'm…


Friday Faves

"admire someone's beauty without questioning your own" Hello hello! I hope you all had an amazing Fourth of July and enjoyed some time off of work. I took some time…