Paperless Postcards: Cabo

Hi babes! It’s been a minute since I’ve done a blog post, but I’m back! Tbh,  I’ve been distracted with TikTok, so be sure to go follow me on there. I recently went to Cabo with some friends where I drank way too much tequila — specifically espresso martinis with tequila, duh… oh and facetimed my crush wayyy too many times, but oh well I had a blast — the hotel (The Cape) was amazing and I had so much sushi (my fave) so I was a happy girl. Anyways, wanted to share some pictures and link my favorite summer vacay looks. Enjoy xo

shop my faves:

+ Be sure to also stalk my Instagram for more Cabo content and listen to our new podcast episode of One Drink In on Apple or Spotify to hear all the stories from Cabo.

++ Paperless Postcards: Tulum

++ Mini Cabo Vlog #1
++ Cabo Day In My Life Vlog
++ Mini Cabo Vlog #2