Blogger Tool Kit: The Resources To Help You Get Started

Hi babes! One of the questions I get all the time is about how to get started in the blogger/influencer world. There is really no short answer, so I wanted to put together a list of resources I used when I first started out (& tbh I still go back and re-read/listen to a lot of these).  Whether you are just thinking about getting into the “influencer” world or have been doing it for years, these will all be great resources regardless of where you are at to help motivate, inspire and

When I first started I had no idea what I was doing (I still barely do), but Google was my go-to for everything. I seriously Googled (and still do) every single question I had and just figured it out.  I’m planning on recording a video to really explain why & how I got started in more detail, but for now, here are the tools I used to start my blog.



Looking back, it’s no shocker that I wanted to get into blogging. Since I was a kid, I always had a camera (starting with a disposable duh) with me, documenting every little moment. it continued into high school and college, where I was always capturing and sharing. I would print out my pictures, make scrapbooks, write stories to go along with the pictures – aka I was pretty much blogging offline my whole life. My only regret was not starting earlier, so if any part of you is wanting to start a blog (or just anything for that matter, YouTube, TikTok, whatever else within the influencer world), just start. It does not need to be perfect and you can always change and improve + pivot as you go.

It helps to do a little planning, as far as branding, what your goals are, what you want to talk about etc, but once you have that figured out, don’t wait for things to be perfect – just start.


Below are all the resources I read + listened to as I was getting ready to launch my blog. They all have super helpful articles and tips, so worth checking out. P.S. I recently did an IG Live with my blogger friend,  Anastasia Souris, where we share some of our tips and tricks of getting into the industry – you can watch it HERE.


  • Influencer (this book is EVERYTHING – so helpful)
  • Crushing It (also very helpful, good insight on the different platforms out there)
  • Big Magic (this is more for motivation/inspo and getting over the fear of putting yourself out there in a creative way)




I want to start off by saying, you do not need to buy a camera, iPhone works great. The Canon camera I got, I specifically got for vlogging since the screen flips up. The light ring is great if your shooting inside or doing videos. The tripod is adjustable and comes with a bluetooth clicker. Hot tip: in order to hide the clicker and not have it showing in my hand, I put the timer on 3 or 10 secs on my phone, then hit the clicker and then hide it before the picture goes off.  The smaller tripod I just got for my camera if I do end up vlogging it just helps hold it up better.


Some people say blogs are dead, but I think you should have a website no matter what. It’s something you own and can have total control over.  To have a website, you need to get a hosting site and domain: I use and Bluehost – at one point I switched over to Squarespace but, I wasn’t as in to it so I moved it back to WordPress. It was kind of a pain to do. I got a basic template from WordPress (It’s called Ocean), but I use Elementor to make the website look how I want it to. I use Canva to make all the graphics too. To be really honest, I need a facelift on my website but I haven’t found a design/designer I LOVE right now.


For more blogger tips, check out my TikTok on what to include in email pitches to brands and what to include in your media kit.

  • Post category:Guides