Friday Faves: Eco-Friendly Edition

Happy (belated) Earth Day! I wanted to make this week’s Friday Faves about reusable products to help you live a more eco-friendly & green lifestyle. I’ll start off by saying I was not always this conscious about sustainability. At one point in my life (young and dumb in college) I was honestly pretty ignorant about it and had the mindset that one person couldn’t really make a difference, but that is not true at all. We all play a role in protecting our planet and it is so important to at least be aware and make small, conscious choices to reduce our waste.

I have to give big props to my ex-boyfriend for getting me to become more conscious and green in my lifestyle choices.  We lived together for about two years and during this time his habits of recycling and not being wasteful really grew on me. Eventually we broke up and moved out of our place together, but the habits stuck with me and for that I’m thankful for him. With that being said, I am by no means a perfect example of living the most green lifestyle. I still have a lot of changes I need to make and old habits I have to break. BUT I’ve found small, easy ways to start doing my part that truly anyone can do – just don’t be lazy, swear it’s not that hard.  The easiest way to start is to just swap out some of your everyday one-time use, plastic products with ones that are less wasteful,  so here are some of my faves:

Reusable Water Bottles

Reusable Ziploc Bags

Reusable Straws

Reusable Cotton Pads

I almost always try to bring my reusable shopping bags when I go shopping – I have big ikea bags I like to use and I also have some from Trader Joe’s that were less than $1 to buy. Other times I will use canvas tote bags or if it is something small I just throw it in my purse and skip getting a bag. With all this Corona stuff happening, I know a lot of stores are not letting people bring their own reusable bags anymore.  If you can do paper bags and recycle, great. But, if the store only has plastic, try to find a way to reuse them.  I typically try to either reuse as poop bags for my dog or trash bags for my bathroom garbage.  I do the same with any packages that I get in the mail. I try to carefully open the plastic so that I can reuse it for any Poshmark orders and same thing for any boxes (+ tissue paper) I get, I try to always save them. Next time you are going to throw something away, just ask yourself if there is any other way you might be able to save it and use it for something else. No need to become a hoarder, but just get yourself in the habit of at least thinking about it, ya know?  🙂

Fave Eco-Friendly Babe to Follow

I’ve always loved following Kristen (aka High End Hippie) for her lifestyle & fashion (& weed hehe) posts. She’s so cute and her style is f*cking amazing, but what makes her stand out to me is her passion for sustainability. She offers a lot of good tips and tricks, especially in this video on her IGTV.  It was honestly impressive how many different ways she reuses. The video left me actually influenced. It also made me never want to go to Starbucks without a reusable cup again (you’ll get what I’m talking about if you watch it).  Anywhooo, I highly recommend taking a peep at her if you are curious about more ways to be eco-friendly. ALSO, she has a vintage shop, which is another amazing way to be more sustainable: shop second-hand!


Okay last few quick tips on becoming an eco-friendly b*tch:
1. turn your lights off
2. take shorter showers
Alrighty babes, that is all I have for now. Again, you don’t have to be perfect at it and do everything at once, but small steps can help. Just don’t be lazy! K bye. xo

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